Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Great Website - and an Even Greater App!

There are incredible resources in the world today! I thank God for the men and women God has raised up to equip others in the work of the Kingdom. Several years ago, I came across a wonderful website that served as a great resource for any believer. Through the years, I have referred many people to this site that had 263 Theological Questions. While I may not agree with the answer to every one of the 263 questions, it gives more than one view and does so in a balanced way. I referred someone to this website some time ago and neither he nor I could find the questions. To my sadness it had been taken down. But I have once again found the questions - but better than the web site, they now have an app for it! Please take a look at this site… you will be a more equipped leader because of this!

Web site: This is worthy of looking at each day!

The App and all that it offers!

60 Hours of Theological Training Now Available in One APP for just $6.99!

Yes, you heard it correctly. We’re putting more than $699 worth of theological training into one app for 1% of the regular price!

The Theology Program has been used in more than 1,000 churches. We’re now excited to see this training utilized in coffee shops, living rooms and ahem… offices all over the world

The App Includes:

1. All 60 Video sessions covering our 6 courses (Introduction to Theology; Bibliology & Hermeneutics; Trinitarianism; Soteriology; Humanity & Sin; Ecclesiology & Eschatology)

2. More than 2,000 powerpoint slides that can be flipped through while watching the videos.

3. All 6 Workbooks. More than 1,200 pages of workbooks that can be flipped through while also watching the videos and slides.

4. A "More" section with updating articles that add to your learning experience.

The best app a believer can buy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Chad,

Please take a look at the following webpage:

I believe these are the same questions in the app, though there are only 258 of them. The webpage offers access to the questions for those without an iPhone. I thought you might want to link to it on your blog.

Also, the entire theology program is available through the website as well.

Thanks for bringing the app to our attention.

Brad Poe