As I am writing this, I am thinking that we have seen people come to Christ every week since we began the Peacemakers study - the reason is that being a “Peace Maker” is impossible without the cross of Christ being a reality in our lives. It is such an interesting study because most people, upon looking at the subject matter will initially say: “I know Bro. So-and-So could really use this study.” But the Word of God works like a mirror, and those that truly desire holiness, as they are confronted with the Word, realize they are the ones who are in desperate need of becoming a Peace Maker. Understanding this, it was our desire as we entered into this study, that this would not be something that we just look at, study and walk away from. Our desire is that this will forever change Trinity!
In the coming weeks our staff and church leadership will be asking for some names of people who would like to be on our Peace Makers team. This will not be a team that a person will rotate off of after a designated time, this will be a team that is completely committed to moving outside of their comfort zone to keep Biblical peace in this local body of Christ. I want to briefly share with you some of what this ministry will entail for those who choose to be committed:
(1) A continual growth in your life spiritually, to the point where there is a deepening passion for biblical peace.
(2) A willingness to get involved in any conflicts within the body and help our brothers and sisters effectively serve Christ, and keep our testimony of love for one another.
(3) A willingness to live out Matthew 18 in your life, in your church, and help others understand how we are to be involved with one another and do all we can to help each other walk with Christ.
(4) To force us out of the contemporary “Lone Ranger” mentality, that what I do is my business and what you do is your business. This is an American concept but certainly not a biblical concept. The biblical understanding of church is that we are accountable to one another, we need each other to assure each of us display the glory of God to the best of our ability. The bottom line is I need you and you need me - we were never meant to go through his Christian walk alone. The explanation of this team will be given in our New Members Class, and each member will be presented to our church.
So in short, as you have gone through this study, if it has struck a cord with you – if you have a desire to be part of bringing peace to the lives the families at Trinity as we serve together, pray about being part of this team. This means you will get your hands dirty! You will have to be more committed to Scripture than comfort. But regardless of your age, if this is a ministry you would like to find out more about, please respond to me through this blog, send an e-mail, call our church office, or see a staff member…we will write your name down and plan an initial meeting that will explain this in greater detail. I will be sharing more about this as we continue to go through this great study and watch God work in amazing ways. See you on Sunday!