Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Amazing Service...

I had a phone call yesterday from a dear brother in our church that is retired from the ministry: he shared with me that at only one other time in his life, many years ago, had he seen God move in a service the way He moved in our service Sunday night! We had a wonderful attendance, but unfortunately we had some that could not make it. As I am sure you have all heard, our deacons wrote some very special letters that we will make available to you to sign, if you wish. And, as with every service, we will have it on DVD. The truth is however, that it was one of those services that you “just had to be there”. I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you some comments made about the service Sunday night that have been sent via facebook or e-mail:

I know for me that Sunday night a relationship was mended and the healing began! I have wanted this for so long but was not sure how or if this was possible. I will be forever changed by this service!

It was Amazing!!

Heart breaking, heart wrenching, heart changing.

God is really moving at Trinity! Tonight was an awesome beginning to the healing and seeking of forgiveness that we (especially me) need so much.

I was more humbled by your reading of the Word. Thank you for always going there first. =)

Amazed I get to be a part of this incredible body....overwhelmed by the Grace of God...

Definitely a mountaintop experience!

Jeremiah 15:16 "Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart." I am praising the Lord this morning for His sweet, healing words to us last night.

Last night was truly AMAZING!! God's hand was all over Trinity last night, what a life changing and church changing experience!!

I pray that this is the beginning to an end....the end of division within our church body....the end to petty differences....the end to an era of "This is MY church" or "I have been going here for ?? years and I am not going to change"....the end to the level of gossip that takes place within and outside of the walls of Gods beautiful house....

Awsome- kinda like when the children of Israel saw the cloud of the glory of God in the temple...God was there tonight.


WOW, what a time of healing Sunday night, that was the most amazing church service that I’ve ever participated in!

Since Sunday night was so moving and it is obvious that everyone wants it to "live" with us for as long as possible, what do you think of creating a handout with all the scriptures printed out (the actual scriptures-not just references) with the lyrics to the songs in between. Seems like it would be a great reminder and a tool to just keep in our bibles and remind us of our commitment.

This was just a SMALL sample, and more general statements, I took quotes from. From the phone calls, to the meetings, God moved mightily! The truth is that I have had the honor of being in some wonderful churches with some wonderful Preachers…but I have never been in a service like what we experienced Sunday night. I shared with my boys as we spoke about it Sunday night, that they never need to take this for granted - they need to journal or do something in order to remember how God moved on this special night. Thank you Trinity, for receiving the Word of God! Make a commitment to not come down from the work of this wall even when the modern day Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem show up…(or Moe, Larry and Curly… however you want to refer to them). Regardless, we are committed to do His work, to do it His way and we get to watch Heaven move down on our services.

To be continued….