Our Strategy and
Building Teams are reading the book The Great Evangelical Recession, by
John Dickerson. He points out that one of the areas hurting the church today
is the lack of unity. Remembering this is how believers will impact the
world for Christ, unity is one of the things Christ prayed for in His High
Priestly prayer in John 17. Paul urged us to keep this unity in Ephesians
4 and then we are reminded in 1st John that one of the tests of our salvation is our
love for one another. In his book, Dickerson gives an illustration via a youtube clip and what unity can really do. This link has had
millions of hits and you may have seen it, but I want to encourage you to look
at this through the lens of unity and remembering that we have a real enemy who
is like a lion - his desire is to devour. One of the ways he does this
is through isolation and division. I hope this serves as motivation for us as
believers to be united against our enemy and be unified for the glory of our