Monday, October 17, 2011

Thank You AWANA Leaders!!!

A couple of weeks ago I was sent the following information:

Sparks: 77 sections completed
Adventure Girls: 24 sections completed
Adventure Boys: 14 sections completed
Challenge Girls: 9 sections completed
Challenge Boys: 40 sections completed

While I am thrilled at the number of children that we have hiding the Word of God in their hearts, I am so thrilled at the last line! The oldest boys in our AWANA ministry have completed greatest amount of sections! I believe this is a direct to the incredible number of men who have stepped up to lead in this ministry. I am just rejoicing over the way our men have committed to serve and lead in our church: this is not only a blessing and a benefit, this is biblical. Thank you AWANA leaders and parents for the faithfulness you show by doing all you can to help your children hide the truth of God's Word in their hearts!