Please do not forget that March 6-9th is our Revival meeting with Rick Coram. I have never been around Bro. Rick that I have not been encouraged and blessed. I have shared with you before that 99% of the time it is my desire to have men in our pulpit that I have not only heard preach, but men that I know personally. Bro. Rick has been a dear friend and a brother to me for close to 10 years; he has preached youth camps for me, he has preached revivals for me, but most of all he has been a dear friend to me. He loves people, the Word and our Lord, and I can tell you right now that he will be an incredible blessing to our Church. He is the Staff Evangelist at North Jacksonville Baptist Church where Bro. Herb Reavis is Pastor - many of you who pick up North Jacksonville’s TV broadcast have shared with me that you heard Bro. Rick preaching there a few weeks ago. For those of you have heard him, I will not need to encourage you to be here as you already are aware of the blessing he will be! For those of you who have not had the joy of hearing Bro. Rick, I can guarantee you that you hear the Word of God preached with joy and zeal! Please make every effort to be faithful - we make time for everything else from ball to television, certainly we, as believers, can take time to come together and gather around His Word.
Just so you are aware, we will have or normal Sunday services, but then Monday-Wednesday we will begin each night at 6pm. We will also be serving dinner each weeknight from 4:45-5:45 so come ready to fellowship and feast both physically and spiritually (please sign up at the ticket counter or call the office to sign up for meals)! I look forward to spending this time with our church family gathered around the Word!