Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Scripture Enough, Part 4...

With the way I concluded my last blog, by going through the Word of God and asking heart questions, and then saying “…do what you want to do…” the natural question that would come up is: “What about prayer and seeking counsel?” Or, “What about ‘open doors’ or God showing me through circumstances?” In our last blog we discussed “hunches” or “feelings” - we know that they can not be our authority, and circumstances, feelings or “open doors” certainly can’t be seen as divine revelation. So, let me just mention three main points in our passion to know the will of God.

Circumstances certainly play a part in the decision-making process, but they are not to be seen as “God’s voice;” God has spoken through His Word and it is powerful, alive and relevant for each of us today. We can each see the same set of circumstances and come up with vastly different conclusions. Haddon Robinson says in his book Decision Making By The Book says: “I’m reminded of the Rorshach Test, the psychological test featuring the big ink blots. Psychologists ask their clients to describe what they see in the blots. One person sees a beautiful butterfly. Another sees, in the same blots, demons coming to claim his soul. Circumstances often work the same way. The things we see in them often say more about us than they do about what is really happening." Robinson goes on to use the episode of Acts 28 when Paul was bitten by the viper. At first they thought God had cursed him to die then, when Paul survived they wanted to make him a god. Both conclusions were very wrong. This is a pitfall to always looking for “open doors”- we tend to give too much authority to our situation. “Open doors” certainly do not mean we should walk through them does it? If your answer is yes, take a moment to look at 2nd Corinthians 2:12-13. David certainly had an “open door” to kill King Saul, but was that a call to take it? God could have kept Saul from going into that cave at that moment…but he didn’t. If we are to be correct, it is safe to say that our circumstances must be observed and thought through, but they are not revelations from God and should not hold that kind of sway in our lives!

The next issue we need to look is the role godly counsel plays in our decisions. Well, the Word of God (or God’s Revealed Will) is crystal clear regarding this. From Prov. 12:15; 13:10; 20:18; 27:9 and several other passages, we are told to seek input from others. This is another reason why we need the church. We need people of God to get involved in our lives, we need correction, counsel and love. There is no telling how many marriages which could have been saved if the church was invited and expected to be involved. However, there is also a danger of putting too much faith in counsel. The advice given to us from the most godly of men and women, is still not inerrant, nor is it the Word Of God unless they are directing us to the Scriptures.

I also want to mention that I said earlier… after going through a list of biblical check points and evaluations and not finding a stopgate or danger markers, do what you want to do. But I want to take this time and clarify. We tend to fall off on one of two sides when it comes to our desires: the first is this super spiritual view that what we want really doesn’t matter. The other is that what I want is all that matters. The caveat I want to mention is that we must be willing to allow the Word of God to be an honest X-ray into our desires and emotions. Let the Word of God search your heart.

Last, what about the role prayer? Much like the necessity of seeking godly counsel, we must also pray, because if we don’t we are in disobedience. The danger comes today in the misunderstanding of prayer: the idea that in prayer as we talk to God, He also talks to us through a prayer, feeling or “urging,” a nudge, or any other subjective notion, is foreign to the Word of God. When I pray I am talking to God, and when I read the Word of God, He is talking to me. The Holy Spirit can and does guide our thoughts and our hearts back to the Word of God when we earnestly seek Him….that is why we see the Word of God admonish us to know it, search it and memorize it – so that the Holy Spirit recalls it to us when we are faced with difficulties (so that we are prepared for every circumstance). After all, doesn’t Psalm 119:9-11 say that “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your Word. With all my heart I have sought You; do not let me wander from Your commandments. Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” What we should be praying for is biblical understanding (Ps. 25:4), wisdom to apply the Word of God (James 1:5), and that we would see the Word of God correctly (2 Tim. 2:15). We should be consumed with glorifying Him by what we do and our reaction to all of our circumstances. In short, we have the completed Word of God… we can’t rely on dreams, feeling, circumstances or anything else extra-biblical.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is Scripture Enough, Part 3....So What Do We Do?

John MacArthur, in the book Reckless Faith said this:

You have undoubtedly heard people say things like, “God is calling
me to the mission field,” or “God has led me to attend this college,”
or “We feel God wants us to get married.” (Perhaps you have even
said such things yourself.) Christians who use expressions like these
often mean they have had an impression or strong feeling that they
interpret as a disclosure of divine will.

Normally people who make such claims have no intention of equating
their mental impressions with divine revelation. They regard the subjective
“leading of the Lord” as something far less prophetic….And the truth is
that treating subjective impressions as messages from the Holy Spirit
is not really much different from claiming to receive divine revelation.
Though most Christians who follow subjective impressions would not
dream of listening to extrabiblical “prophecies,” in effect they are doing
the same thing.

If we believe that there is no new revelation, then we should not force this into our decision making. I am not denying that feelings are important, but their role should not be misunderstood. We can’t give them the same authority we give Scripture. We can’t just “follow our heart.” We should examine our feelings in light of the Word of God. Too often believers quote Phil. 4:7 “the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” without a true understanding of the context or the promise that it holds. This “peace” is used in the Bible, not as a feeling but meaning an “absence of conflict.” After all, if this word “peace” is dealing with a feeling, then based on verse 6 one would have to conclude that it refers to “the absence of anxiety” (which is a feeling): the answer to anxiety is the Gospel, the Word of God that is a “more sure” word than what we have experienced.

So let me just give you a summary of how we can make decisions as believers. There is a diagram I saw in the book Decisions, Decisions that will help you greatly. I will just summarize it in this blog, and then in our final blogs I will give some concluding remarks that will help clarify. We first must be walking in the Spirit: This would include spending time in the Word, in prayer, allowing the Spirit to work in our life and drawing us closer to Him in faithful obedience on a daily basis. Secondly, we must recognize we serve a Sovereign God. Everything that happens does so because He is in control. He has caused or allowed it, and He can still take anything, anyone, and any situation and use it for His glory. Thirdly, we should be praying for wisdom and trusting His providence. We should desire godly wisdom and gather this by study in the Word, seeking godly counsel, and asking ourselves “heart questions.” What I mean is rather than asking if God wants you to buy the blue or yellow car, asking yourself:
“Why do I want a new car?”
“Will this impact my giving towards God’s Kingdom?”
“Will this debt enslave me?”
“How can this purchase glorify God?”
These issues: (1) Walking In The Spirit (2) Recognizing God’s Sovereignty (3) Praying for Wisdom and Providence---run throughout every decision we make. Then I must ask, “What does Scripture say?” I know it doesn’t choose Chevy over Ford, but when I ask these “heart questions,” what does the Word of God teach me? Then, I must ask “What is the wisest choice?” The decision may not be forbidden by the Word of God expressly, but it may not be wise at this time. For instance, do you go on a mission trip and miss work and pay, when you are so far in debt that you are being a poor steward by doing so? Then here is the kicker, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? That’s right! After these questions are asked, then there is this line of freedom that we have in Christ, that should not freeze us - but it should free us! In our next blog we will discuss some other issues that may help or hinder decision making. By the way, if you have read Just Do Something I would also recommend you read Decisions, Decisions two great books on this subject!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is Scripture Enough, Part 2: Paralyzed with Decisions

Too often we have sincere believers doing what they want to do, and blaming God when the outcome doesn’t go just right. There is no doubt that God works in every detail of our lives and we must admit that there is His sovereign will - one that He knows and we are not to know. I’m referring to those things that God moves in providentially and works His purpose, for His glory! For instance, when Joseph was sold into slavery, it was not for Joseph, nor his brothers to understand how God was going to turn evil into good. However, Joseph knew from a biblical perspective that he should be holy, that he should pray, and that he should obey the Word of God. Joseph understood the behaviors and actions expected of a Child of God and therefore, he knew the will of God for that moment. He had no idea what God was going to do years down the road, nor did he need to know – he simply obeyed in that moment, trusting his future to the Lord. Too often we pretend to know why God is doing what He is in our lives, or what the future holds for us, and we use this rationalization to excuse our moving ahead with our plans and desires…then, if someone argues with us, we argue that they are standing in the way of God’s will for us! We don’t listen to counsel or stop to consider that we have manipulated to get our way – leaving God out of the equation altogether.

In the book Decisions, Decisions (that is excellent on this subject), Dave Swavely uses a great illustration to show how God works in our lives. To summarize the story, he points out that, if we know that our bodies are God’s temple, (and because we don’t want to be offensive to others) we know God wants us to brush our teeth and take care of ourselves. However, we don’t have to be frozen with fear in considering which type of toothpaste we should use…or if we should brush up and down, or sideways, or even if we should use the Sonicare toothbrush or the old fashion soft bristle tooth brush! Could you imagine being stuck in fear, wondering if you were in the will of God with your toothpaste or if you were settling for God’s second best? Now, Swavely goes on to give a great illustration of God’s providence at work in our lives: if you were to brush your teeth this morning and the light bulb in your bathroom blew out, this would force you to go by the store on your way to work to pick up a new bulb…which could then cause you to be late in passing through that same intersection you go through every day and, today, you missed being involved in a car wreck! So, did your decision to brush your teeth protect you from a car wreck? These small things I would say happen all the time because we know Rm. 8:28 “God causes all things to work together…” - even the smallest details of our lives. Could you imagine waking up everyday and standing in your bathroom, frozen with fear, wondering if you should have used the Sonicare (which takes longer) or the “manual brush” that takes less time, because if you miss the will of God it could cause a cataclysmic chain of events!? In truth, if we believed that God had this “individual will” that we had to discover for every single choice in our lives, there would be nothing insignificant, nothing that you could “just do” because you wanted to. In every moment, I would be playing a cosmic guessing game! And, since the Bible does not mention Sonicare or manual toothbrushes, I would have to interpret my feelings and circumstances to see what God could possibly be revealing as His will for that moment (and what if I interpret incorrectly?!). It would make much more sense to understand that as long as I am not violating the explicit teachings of the Word of God or the biblical principles of Christian behavior and attitudes, I have freedom to choose on the basis of wisdom and desire. The secret is not to find some hidden agenda of God’s… it is to abide in Christ through prayer and His Word, and then trust the Word when it tells us that He directs the steps of a righteous man.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is Scripture Enough?

On Sunday nights I have been walking through Psalm 119, and it has been an incredible blessing to see what the Word says about… the Word! I have shared several times that the way to find the Will of God is through His Word - not through my hunch, or through my dreams, or through what I feel. These are extremely dangerous approaches to discerning God’s will today and I believe the reason these approaches are desired and even preferred is because they are easy! Why search Scripture when I can go to sleep? Why search the Word of God when I can wait for a hunch? The truth is, God does speak today - and He speaks practically, personally and clearly. But He does this through the written Word of God, through the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
Chuck Swindoll says it best in The Mystery Of God’s Will:
“…this kind of extra-biblical revelation is not only spurious, it’s downright dangerous. It invariably leads you astray, away from the truth of God. Your curiosity and your fascination will take over, eclipsing the authority of the Scriptures.”

Now let me be clear… God CAN do anything He wants, but the real question would be, does He? The problem is when you get into idea of God speaking through dreams, through “just a peace”, through “I just felt God” or “God Bumps”, or whatever else you want to call the experiences, good sincere people get confused - they are looking to extra-biblical truth instead of the Word Of God! We could look at MANY passages but let’s just consider Jn. 16:12-15
“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine, and will disclose it to you.”
In short the result of the Spirit’s ministry in the apostles was that God revealed “all truth” that He wanted us to know. I put in bold the section above because this is not prophecy being spoken of, this is the revelation of truth given through the Apostles in the Word Of God. These kinds of statements are riddled throughout John 16-17. The point being made is that the Spirit of God used the Apostles to give us all the truth we will ever need. The real question a believer needs to ask is… ”Is the Word of God sufficient for everything or not?” Read Eph. 2:20 it says “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone.” The words of these men are Scripture, because our chief builder knows what He is doing, notice the past tense “built” it is not still being built, we have all we need. So where do I find the will of God? In the Bible! The Word of God tells us that Christ directs the steps of a righteous man, He gives us the desires of our heart (meaning our desires will conform to His desires). Trying to figure out the Will of God doesn’t take a class and it is not for a secret society. I must be in the Word, walking in righteousness, praying, seeking godly counsel… and then do all for His glory. I will spend the next few blogs walking through this thought process. In the mean time, I would highly recommend the book “Just Do Something” by Kevin DeYoung. Start reading and stay tuned!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting in on the Blog...

I had originally intended on beginning a blog today on the topic of “Knowing The Will Of God…Is Scripture Enough?” but I will have my first of probably 5 post beginning the first of next week – I am holding off because I do not want you to miss a very important new blog. When I began blogging, the intention was not only to communicate with other believers (specifically Trinity members), but also to use it to continue thoughts from sermons, and to give us a platform to think through biblical issues together. If you will look to the right, or simply follow this link you will find the second blog from our staff. The purpose of this is for the equipping of the parents of our students of all ages. Bro. Jeff Summers (Children’s Pastor), Bro. Brad Walker (Student Pastor) will each post one blog a week on this site to better help our parents lead and equip their children. Due to the snow this week, it may be Monday before the first post is up, but you can check out their site and see all that will be there for you as parents!

There is a major paradigm shift at Trinity in that the goal of our student ministry is not going to be program driven, but parent driven. From a biblical standpoint, it is our desire to come along beside you and equip you to equip your children, not equip your children for you. This is something that we, as parents, are not called to contract out… but we are each called to lead our children in the things of God, to have family worship, and to have a standard of holiness in all we do as families. I am thankful to our Savior for two men who take this calling with extreme seriousness!! The plans and the passion they have for our students and their parents are second to none. The majority of Student Pastors act as if they want to serve as a surrogate parent, but to have TWO men on our staff who desire to push our students and parents toward our Savior together, is truly a blessing. Please become a follower of this new blog and share with them the way their ministry is making a difference! Of all the men I know and love in the ministry, I can think of none that I would rather have my two boys under than Bro. Jeff Summers and Bro. Brad Walker. Thank you men, for this new blog and thank you for your passion to equip our students and parents!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Great Investment

Psalm 145:4 “One generation shall praise Your works to another. And shall declare Your mighty acts.”

We have some very important dates that I want to mention and take some time to explain on the blog today. If you are a member of Trinity, get your calendar out and reserve these dates as you will not want to miss them.

February 21-24: I don’t know of a more appropriate time for revival than during this time. As we prepare for our debt retirement campaign, we are trusting that God will first work in our lives through His Word. I am overjoyed that Bro. Bill Stafford will be leading our first 4 day revival together. I know it has been some time since Trinity has had consecutive revival meeting services, but be in prayer that God will do a great work in all of our hearts!

March 5: “Freedom For Tomorrow…Today” Leadership banquet. Because of space limitations, we are asking that our Bible Study Teachers and active Deacons be at this banquet. At this time we will spend some time in prayer and praise, and then lead out in committing for this great task. In all seriousness, if you are not an active deacon, or Bible study teacher, but you would like to make your financial commitment to this journey early, if you will call the office we will reserve a space for you. But obviously, because of our facilities, space is limited so call quickly.

March 28: Victory Sunday! This will be the time that I announce what was committed in our Leadership Banquet… and then we will ask the rest of our Church body to make their financial commitment for the next 3 years. I am so excited to see how God is going to work in this campaign. Please keep these dates in front of you and make them a priority in your prayer life, let’s ask God to move in each of our lives in a great way during this time!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just Say No....A New Perspective

The above link will take you to an article that should NOT send any shock waves through us - that teen pregnancy is on the rise! Let’s see…when we live in a culture where one can hardly turn on the television, radio, or computer and not see or hear something with some sexual content, is it really shocking that the pregnancy rate is on the rise? From what we know by experience and science, there is only one way to get pregnant (with the exception of Mary) therefore, when sexual activity is on the rise it only makes sense that pregnancy is on the rise. Now, the response that many critics of any abstinence teaching will have is that this shows we need to throw away any program that discusses abstinence because they do not work. I have a couple of issues with this logic:

First and foremost, we are certainly NOT in a culture that promotes abstinence! If there were as many movies, tv shows, and public service announcements about sexual abstinence as there were about drunk driving, would we see a change? Could you imagine a campaign that told teenagers that if they were going to drink and drive please wear a safety belt! There would be outrage - as there should be, but I want you to look at this chart: If you notice, there were many years of sharp rises in alcohol related deaths…but as the message of the dangers were given almost universally and consistently, the numbers went down. So, don’t tell me that a consistent message of abstinence, across every outlet would not drive teen sexuality down as well!

But just as the message of the dangers doesn’t completely extinguish the act of drinking and driving, sexual abstinence programs will not stop teen sexual behavior completely. As parents, we must teach from a Biblical approach, the “why” of abstinence. This is next to impossible to teach effectively when so many families in the church encourage their teens, preteens and even children to have boyfriends/girlfriends. We have parents in our churches who act as ridiculous as a wild-eyed, puppy love filled teenager when their son our daughter gets “serious” with a boy/girl… and they proceed to tell them stories about how they know someone in their family who met their husband in high school and are married to this day! We are setting them up for and even encouraging these serious relationships! As a rule, you have a young lady or young man who has had several “serious” relationships between 13-17 years old - and even if they have remained a virgin - by the time they get married they have given their heart away and had it broken 3 or 4 times! Emotionally they are used up and broken - and while they have not had intercourse, the fact is they have “given their heart” over to someone else when the largest influence in their life should be the Word of God and the counsel of their parents. So many parents encourage serious, long term relationships because they think that this is better than the alternative of their teen dating everyone in the school – but who has stopped to realize that the longer they are together in a relationship, the more serious and more physical it becomes….the more that person becomes their primary concern and influence. We have succumb to the world’s philosophy of “they are going to do it so let’s just encourage them to do it with safeguards” when we believe that they are going to date – either everyone or just one person – so a serious relationship with one person is better/safer than being “loose” (or a “player” – as they define it) with everyone….why do we not encourage wisdom and a different way of thinking in them? Why does it have to be one or the other? What happened to hanging out with friends? When the new trend in teen dating is actually not dating at all – but just “hooking up” (sexually speaking), why are we as parents so fearful with talking with our teens about a different way of life and a true desire for holiness? As parents we have become more interested in their self-esteem being fulfilled in a dating relationship than with them being Godly! We never even contemplate that they would be willing to be “different” from the standards of the world or that, with a little support from their parents, making a choice to hold on to their heart would be a “cost” worth counting in their walk with Christ! Parents, just a little hint…when you have two teenagers of the opposite sex celebrating their “7 month anniversary” let me just share with you, that they are not playing scrabble, going to Sonic and just hanging out during all that “alone time” together. I know of parents who are so “proud” for their children to be dating that certain boy/girl, that the families have started doing everything together and no one seems to even question how much time they spend together alone….the kids feel obligated to be “serious” because the parents are emotionally bought in to the relationship!

It isn’t enough to tell our children “no sex until marriage” - we must spend time explaining what marriage is! And while we are at it, it would be greatly beneficial for them to look at your marriage and be able to see commitment and love to one another and Christ. After years of dealing with Youth Pastors I have found most either encouraged students to date or stuck their head in the sand and didn’t think his teens would ever be holding hands! When two people of the opposite sex stay around one another privately for long amounts of time, it is giving place to the enemy---then throw in the fact that hormones are raging and the rule of our culture is immodesty in dress by both sexes! I can tell you as a basic general rule, if your teen has had a “long term relationship” they have gone too far – either emotionally or physically, or both!

Parents, put the book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” by Joshua Harris in your home, in your hand and in your teens hand – and then read it with them. I thank God for a Youth Pastor who gets this! Bro. Brad has this book on the book table in our Church because he cares. Certainly abstinence only is not the only thing we should focus on - we should also focus on modesty, holiness, the reason for marriage, the importance of marriage, what true beauty is, and what our Lord/Ruler/Owner/Boss/King says we should to with our bodies! Even then, there will still be some who fall into sexual sin - we are fallen sinners. But at least we will know that it will be in spite of our stewardship, not because of the lack thereof.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Count Your Many Blessings....Part 2

As I began in my last blog....
I wanted to say "thank you" to an incredible group of ladies who love and support their husbands as they minister to Trinity Baptist Church! These ladies share their husbands, their homes and their hearts with each of us - and until we have walked in their shoes - none of us can understand all that this entails! These ladies are truly a blessing to our Church and a picture of God's grace in our lives!

If you missed it, please read my previous blog before "picking up" here...then, read on!

Rosemary: I have watched as an entirely new staff and their wives walk in, and you have embraced them with love and support! I have watched Bro. John baptize some of your grandchildren and I am aware of his commitment to Trinity over the years… and I am fully aware that his love and passion for his service could not be accomplished without your love for him. Most of the staff’s wives have little ones and, as a result, are involved with their children and other related ministries - you however, in the “freedom” you have with your time, have chosen to pour your life into ministering alongside Bro. John to our sweet people! Our dear people at Trinity have watched you during triumph and adversity, and the testimony they attribute to you is of gentleness and love. Thank you for loving the sweet ladies of the new staff, but thank you for loving your husband, our Lord and Trinity.

Sarah: The steps you have had to take are nothing short of amazing. You have moved from Student Pastor’s wife, Church Planter’s wife, and soon to be Pastor/Missionary wife, all while staying married to the same man! There is probably no job that requires the constant time as that of Student Pastor and Church Planter - but then as I watch you, knowing that in a few short months you and your family will be moving to Vancouver, you never waiver in your commitment to Trinity. From serving on the Ladies Ministry Team, to watching you spend time with our young ladies, to leading songs in Vacation Bible School…you do all this with joy and passion. You do all of this while allowing your kids to “be kids” and leading them to walk with the Lord with great joy. I am thankful that during this short year I have been able to be your Pastor and I am so excited to watch how God will bless your family and ministry in Vancouver. I am thrilled that Trinity gets to be a part of this.

Whitney: As you near that wonderful day when the Crowder baby girl is born, I know there are times (especially during basketball season) you wish you and Bubba could just sit down and take a break! As Bubba’s ministry and title have completely changed, you have adapted as well as he has. Sometimes, being raised in a Pastor’s home can be very difficult, as you share your Dad with an entire church and you see first hand some of the trials of ministry - but as I watch you love your husband and minister in Trinity the way you have done, it is a tribute not only of your love for Trinity, but also to your parents who obviously were able to successfully lift up Christ before you, and the value of His Church more than the shortcomings and disappointments ministry can sometimes bring. Thank you for your servant heart and your willingness to minister in such a sweet way!

Leigh: I have been able to watch all three men in your life - I have watched your boys and husband, and the way you deal and interact with them. The most concise word I have for you is “consistent”. You serve this church, and your family, in a quiet but obvious way! You are content to serve and minister without recognition or spectacle…but you minister in such a way that you have an audience of One who is glorified before all of us by your actions. You speak wisdom and grace to our ladies and to the men in your home…Greg has talked about conversations he has had with you and how the sweet spirit you have has blessed him as a husband. The encouragement you have spoken to me directly or through Greg, has always come at the right time. Thank you for your consistency, and service you display.

Elicia: I have never had a wife of a student Pastor that exemplifies what a godly woman is the way you do… I have watched the tenderness you have with Brad, the care you show in his illness, the patience you have displayed with your boys being sick…and your testimony has been nothing short of wonderful. You exude a gentle spirit and a loving heart. Serving students demands so much of your time and energy and it is a testimony to you, your support and the home you provide, that Brad can minister and love these students in such a powerful way. The fact that our students will have you before them as an example of a godly lady for years to come, thrills me! Your consistent service in the shadows enables Brad to be the Student Pastor he is.

Again, I have never been able to say this but…if my boys were to marry ladies like ANY of our staff’s wives, I would count it a wonderful blessing! (I am excited that they will be raised alongside young ladies that have the opportunity to grow and learn from you!) I love and appreciate you ladies!