The first conversation I had with Bro. Jon Rushing was on the phone and we really discussed very little about music. We discussed books, authors we liked, our passion for the church and I will tell you, that at least on my part there was incredible excitement! After spending many more hours with he and his wife Suzanne, I saw something greater. I saw a man who had a heart to grow his family, a man who wanted to disciple other believers, I saw a man who loved the church. That is what I wanted above all else! From 2005-2008 Bro. Jon served at Two Rivers Baptist Church in Nashville, TN where he led in worship, led the choir and praise teams, as well as composing the music and lyrics of the Two Rivers Passion Play - but all those musical accomplishments paled in comparison to the passion Bro. Jon had for the local church! Every reference I called had something to say about his character and consistency. We have had some very good men lead us in worship, we have had some men who were certainly qualified to fill our position of Worship Pastor, but I must confess to you that Bro. Jon, went above and beyond what I knew we needed at Trinity.
By the time you read this the choir will know about Bro. Jon… the Personnel Team, Finance Team and our Deacons would have all heard Bro. Jon’s passion, testimony and love for our Lord. We will present him June 7th to be voted on by us as a body. What we are facing as a church, I pray will be a rarity, but with the number of new staff that have come in recently along with some that are on the horizon, we should be experts at loving them in and making them feel at home. Jon and Suzanne may feel at home very quickly but they have two boys (4 and 8)who will need our children to reach out and get to know them. They are moving away from grandparents just as our boys did and just as Bro. Jeff Summers' kids did - trust me they need boys and girls to be buddies but they need some of our older saints to be “fill in grandparents” - many of you are very good at that!
In closing I ask you to be in prayer for their house to sell (we have several members on our staff who have that need right now – hint, hint!), be in prayer for our choir and our congregation that the Lord will allow Bro. Jon’s family to bless us, and for Trinity to be a blessing to him. The best advice I can give - I have already given. Don’t do anything different than you have done with my family and Summers’ family - just love them in, show them your heart, and I can tell you from personal experience it will be impossible for him not to pour his life into Trinity. Thank you for your prayers, and encouragement during this process, you have been a great blessing to me!
God is so good to us! I am excited to see what He will do next at Trinity!
We were blessed to have had Jon and Suzanne at TRBC. I know they will be a blessing to your fellowship.
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