Thursday, October 20, 2011

Discipleship Conference!

Two Conferences in ONE!
MEN’S Disciple-Making Conference  with Herb Hodges

Friday, Oct 21             6:30—8:30 pm

Saturday, Oct 22        8 am—12:30 pm

Missions Sunday, Oct 23
9:00 am   —Special Classes
10:30 am —Worship
Preaching:   Dr. Harold Peasley, South Africa
12:00 pm —Missions Luncheon
5:15 pm   —Snack and fellowship with Missions Organizations
6:00 pm   —Worship
Preaching:  Dr. Harold Peasley, South Africa

Making Disciples: Across the Street & Around the World!

As followers of Jesus Christ, it is not an option for us to make disciples or not, and it is not simply the responsibility of the church, or missionary. It is each and every believer’s responsibility.  In other words, you can say: “It is MY responsibility!”

So, how does this happen? How do I, as a disciple of Christ, turn around and make disciples of all nations?

On the weekend of Oct 21-23, you will have opportunity to gain a greater understanding, conviction, and know-how on how you can be personally involved in disciple-making starting across the street and reaching around the world!

Our Men’s Disciple-Making Conference on Oct 21-22 will kick off the weekend with Herb Hodges leading our men on a disciple-making strategy. This is not a “how to witness” training. Rather, Herb Hodges will be going to Scripture to show us what God’s plan is for making disciples. Men, you will not want to miss this weekend.
Cost is only $10.00

Missions Conference is Sunday October 23
Dr. Harold Peasley, the director of Multi Ministries in South Africa, will be preaching at both the 10:30 am and 6:00 pm worship services.

At the 9:00 am Bible Study hour, we will have special breakout sessions specifically dealing with disciple-making in different contexts.

We will also have 19 ministries represented on this day for you to gain information,  to see how they are making disciples, and possibly how you might be involved in one of these ministries. Or, to give you idea on how you can make-disciples where you are!!

Missions Organizations:
· Network of International Christian Schools                                                                  
· SafeHaven                                                                                                                                            
· YMOT                                                                                                                 
· Care Pregnancy Center                                                                                                       
· Memphis Union Mission
· Orphanos 
· Training Pastors International 
· Pastor from Paraguay 
· Pastor from Nicaragua  
· The Crossings in Vancouver  
· Multi Ministries of South Africa  
· Associational Missionary w/ X-tended Missions Network 
· Disaster Relief 
· Impact Ministries 
· The Sight Ministry 
· Campus Outreach 
· Palmer Home 
· Baby Love 
· Quilts for Su Refugio 
· Mission Trips
· Adopting an Unreached People Group

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