Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Very Unique Sunday!

I can’t wait for this Sunday! There are two primary reasons: One is that I get to begin teaching the New Member’s Class! Outside of preaching the Word of God, there is absolutely nothing I would rather do than this. I love meeting the families that God is bringing into Trinity. It is always a new experience, because no two classes ever have the same personality! We will be in a new room, with new people, with the same old truth! How great is that?

The second reason I am so excited, is that Sunday night we will have one of the most unique services we have ever had at Trinity. I will explain more on Sunday morning, but I want to encourage you to be in your seat at 6 pm sharp. There are so many exciting things happening, so many new ministries and mission opportunities that are before us that, as a church family we are going to have a panel discussion that will range from how we plan on equipping parents over the next year, to questions about our “Wonderful Words” series. We will begin right at 6 sharp and have our entire ministerial staff on stage discussing various areas of their ministry, along with theological questions. We will not be taking questions from the floor that night, but we would love for you to write them down, with your name, and turn them in Sunday morning. These can be theological questions, questions about a specific passage of Scripture, or why we do certain things in a particular ministry or in worship.

We have never done anything like this, but I think it will be a great time of teaching and gathering around the Word of God. Certainly, we will not have time to cover every single question that we receive, but we will go through as many as time allows. I hope to see you all day Sunday!

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